T1 Panel Alignment Guide

The T1 Front Panel is designed to be 0.15mm (0.006in) higher than the Top and Bottom Panel. Assembly errors and manufacturing tolerances can enlarge this difference up to 0.5mm (0.02in), and annoy some users.

The Top and Bottom Panels, which are also supported by the Front Panel, are prone to scratching on the inside due to the metal-on-metal contact joint, which upsets some users.

Both problems are solved using Anti-Vibration Tape (aka EVA foam tape). A legacy solution we have used since T1 V1.0 starting in 2020.

The Top and Bottom Panels connect to the Front Panel on two recessed surfaces. Apply the Anti-Vibration Tape at this location, as shown in the image below.

Applying the tape in this area reduces scratches from the Front Panel rubbing against the inner surfaces of the Top and Bottom Panels.

Once the tape is applied, the Front Panel and Top Panel alignment should be improved.

The Anti-Vibration Tape (EVA foam) is also commonly called sealing tape. The tape used in this guide is 5mm wide and 1mm thick, and can be purchased on Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon DE.