How can I order an M1? When cases are in stock, you may order directly from this website. At times when we have no inventory available, we may instead offer pre-orders for the next production run.
How long will it take to receive my M1? When will I get a tracking number?
Orders are usually shipped in batches weekly, with exception to holidays. Typically, order made between Monday to Saturday are shipped the following week between Wednesday to Friday.
Something is out of stock! Will it be restocked? Items are restocked after production runs. The period between production runs varies based on demand, but is typically one production run every 3 months.
What's included with the M1? The M1 comes with the following: screws for drive and fan mounting, rubber softmounts for drive mounting, 3.5"/2.5" HDD brackets (1 set), 2.5" drive stacking brackets (2 sets), slim optical drive tray, SFX PSU bracket, front USB/audio ports and power switch, internal AC power cable, magnetic filters for the side and bottom, 2x steel fan grilles. No fans or paper manual are included.
Can I turn the optical drive slot version into the no-ODD slot version if I get the slotless top panel, or vice-versa? Yes. The only difference is the top panel, which may be easily swapped out. All versions include the ODD tray as standard.
How do I remove the side panels? The side, top, and front panels require no tools to remove. Using your fingertips, simply pull them away from the case by the edges.
Will [insert component here] fit in the M1? Please see the compatibility section for size restrictions and links to more information.
Why isn't the M1 microATX? All you have to do is add a slot! One of the primary design goals of the M1 was to be able to house, power, and cool high performance components, while being as small as reasonably possible. Mini-ITX is the smallest motherboard form-factor capable of supporting such a build, and is actually considerably smaller than mATX. In particular, the short length of mini-ITX is what allows the front-mounted power supply, and by extension, the side-mounted dual radiator. Keeping the same layout with mATX would result in a a significantly larger case.